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GEOG2006 Field Trip explores the coastal landscape of Shui Hau, Lantau Island

27 Nov 2023

Over 70 Geography students in the class of GEOG2006 Earth Systems: Shaping Landscapes had a field trip to Shui Hau in Lantau Island to explore its coastal landscape features on 16 and 18 November 2023 respectively. Led by the course instructor, Dr. Lyu Xiaopu, and Prof. Richard B. Owen, Emeritus Professor of the Department, students had invaluable fieldwork experience in observing and analysing the unique coastal landscape. Students were provided the opportunities to develop hands-on skills in terms of collecting sediment samples, distinguishing sediment origins and compositions, observing current ripples, and identifying rocks. The field trip provided students’ opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

Dr. Lyu stated, “Field trips like these are an essential part of our Earth Systems course. They allow students to engage directly with the landscapes we study in class. We are delighted to see our students actively participating and gaining insights from these (learning) experiences.” Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive with many indicating that they had benefited immensely from the field trip.


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