Outstanding Publication Award Presentation and Lunch Gathering Held on 22 February 2024

22 Feb 2024

On the 22nd of February 2024, the Department hosted a heartwarming event combining rapport-building among the academic staff and research postgraduate students. The interim Head, Professor Chun Yang, warmly welcomed attendees to a luncheon that set the tone for collegial interaction and mutual appreciation.

The day's centerpiece is the Outstanding Publication Awards which were granted to the distinguished awardees by Prof. Yang. Subsequently, the awardees conveyed their sincere appreciation to the Department and supervisors for their unwavering support and guidance.

During the chitchat session, research students and supervisors introduced their research topics, fostering a deeper understanding and enhancing relationships among peers.

This event showed the Department's commitment to academic excellence and a supportive educational environment.

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Postgraduate Outstanding Publication Awardees (2021 - early 2024)
Geng, Q., & Lo, K. (2023). China’s Green Belt and Road Initiative: transnational environmental governance and causal pathways of orchestration. Environmental Politics, 32(7), 1163-1185. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2022.2156176.
[Impact Factor: 5.5; Political Science: 7/187, Q1, 96.5%, Citation Median: 3.0]
Hossain, M. L., Li, J., Hoffmann, S., & Beierkuhnlein, C. (2022). Biodiversity showed positive effects on resistance but mixed effects on resilience to climatic extremes in a long-term grassland experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 827, 154322. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154322.
[Impact Factor: 9.8; Environmental Science: 26/275, Q1, 90.7%, Citation Median: 6.0]
Lai, Y., Li, J., Gu, X., Liu, C., and Chen, Y. D. (2021). Global compound floods from precipitation and storm surge: Hazards and the roles of cyclones. Journal of Climate, 34(20), 8319-8339. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0050.1.
[Impact Factor: 4.9; Meteorology & Atmospheric Science: 23/94, Q1, 76.1%, Citation Median: 3.0]
Lai, Y., Li, J., Chen, Y. D., Chan, F. K. S., Gu, X., & Huang, S. (2023). Compound floods in Hong Kong: Hazards, triggers, and socio-economic consequences. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 46, 101321. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101321.
[Impact Factor: 4.7; Water Resources: 19/103, Q1, 82.0%, Citation Median: 4.0]
Ma, C.Y., and Yang, C. (2024). The moderating effects of mobile applications on the use of urban green space and mental health of older people: A mixed-method investigation in Hong Kong. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 91, 128182. DOI: 10.10161.j.ufug.2023.128182.
[Impact Factor: 6.4; Forestry: 2/69, Q1, 97.8%, Citation Median: 4.0]
Wang, F., Carmichael, G. R., Zhang, X., Xiao, X., & Gao, M. (2022). Pollution severity-regulated effects of roof strategies on China’s winter PM2.5. NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5(1), 55. DOI: 10.1038/s41612-022-00278-y.
[Impact Factor: 9.0; Meteorology & Atmospheric Science: 5/94, Q1, 95.2%, Citation Median: 5.0]
Wang, F., Carmichael, G. R., Wang, J., Chen, B., Huang, B., Li, Y., ... & Gao, M. (2022). Circulation-regulated impacts of aerosol pollution on urban heat island in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(20), 13341-13353. DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-13341-2022.
[Impact Factor: 6.3; Meteorology & Atmospheric Science: 15/94, Q1, 84.6%, Citation Median: 4.0]
Xiao, X., Y. Xu, X. Zhang, F. Wang, X. Lu, Z. Cai, G. Brasseur, and M. Gao. (2022). Amplified Upward Trend of the Joint Occurrences of Heat and Ozone Extremes in China over 2013–20. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, E1330–E1342. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0222.1.
[Impact Factor: 8.0; Meteorology & Atmospheric Science: 8/94, Q1, 92.0%, Citation Median: 4.5]
Yeung, H.L., and Hao, P. (2024). Telecommuting amid Covid-19: The Governmobility of work-from-home employees in Hong Kong. Cities, 148, 104873. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2024.104873.
[Impact Factor: 6.7; Urban Studies: 3/43, Q1, 94.2%, Citation Median: 4.5]
Zhang, X., Xiao, X., Wang, F., Brasseur, G., Chen, S., Wang, J., & Gao, M. (2022). Observed sensitivities of PM2.5 and O3 extremes to meteorological conditions in China and implications for the future. Environment International, 168, 107428. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107428.
[Impact Factor: 11.8; Environmental Science: 17/275, Q1, 94.0%, Citation Median: 8.0]
Zhu, H., Liu, H., Zhou, Q., & Cui, A. (2023). A XGBoost-based downscaling-calibration scheme for extreme precipitation events. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 4103512. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3294266.
[Impact Factor: 8.2; Geochemistry & Geophysics: 5/87, Q1, 94.8%, Citation Median: 4.0]
Zhu, L., and Lo, K. (2022). Eco-socialism and the political ecology of forest conservation in the Greater Khingan Range, China. Political Geography, 93, 102533. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102533.
[Impact Factor: 4.1; Geography: 16/86, Q1, 82.0%, Citation Median: 2.0]