Under the joint admission practice, students will be provided with a broad-based social sciences training in their first year with no specific majors. Upon the completion of the first year of study, students may apply to take “Geography” as their Major and enroll in the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Geography programme based on individual interest and academic performance.


Programme Description

The BSocSc (Hons) in Geography is structured so that students can either choose to specialize in certain sub-fields of the discipline at later stages of their study or to undertake a well-rounded training in Geography, in line with its synthesizing tradition. The BSocSc (Hons) in Geography enables students to obtain a firm foundation in geographical methodology while at the same time acquiring an understanding of the spatial order and interdependence of the world’s peoples and regions. Emphasis is placed on the ways in which geographers may assist in finding solutions to real world problems. Students are offered considerable freedom to take a broad spectrum of courses, particularly in their third and final years, when they may choose to concentrate on aspects of either physical or human geography.

Specifically, the Programme aims to:

  1. Enable students to develop their knowledge of spatial order and their understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of geography;
  2. Enable students to apply geographical perspectives in the analysis of global-local problems;
  3. Facilitate students acquisition of the intellectual and practical skills needed to analyse, assess and interpret geographical information both independently and as part of a team;
  4. Provide students with transferable skills applicable to both geographical and non-geographical careers as well as the ability to pursue postgraduate studies;
  5. Enhance student communication and presentation skills; and
  6. Promote a sense of life-long learning and a spirit of enquiry

BSSc GEOG Handbook (2024/25)

Curriculum Structure and Study Schedule

The structure of the curriculum is as follows:

Social Sciences Common Core:4 units
Major Required Courses:30 units
Major Elective Courses:33 units
Elective Courses:30 units
General Education Courses:31 units
Total:128 units
BSocSc Hons in Geography BSocSc Hons in Geography

The Social Sciences Common Core consists of 1-unit Common Core Course entitled ‘Invitation to Social Sciences’ and 3-unit Experiential Learning in Action (either ‘Community and Civic Engagement’ or ‘Global Outreach’) for Social Sciences undergraduate students. The aims of courses are threefold: (1) to strengthen students’ identity as a social science student and develop in them a solid conceptual understanding of the transdisciplinary nature of Social Sciences; (2) to enhance students’ social awareness, critical thinking and analytical ability so that they can identify plausible solutions to complex real-life problems; and (3) to enhance students’ global outlook, cross-cultural understanding and employability.

The major component provides 63 units of required and elective courses offered by the Department of Geography that provide students with a comprehensive training in the discipline. The Honours Project enables students to complete a piece of significant, independent study on a geographical topic of their choice under supervision of a faculty member. Moreover, all geography students must participate in the mandatory Field Camp of the Department, which is conducted during the second semester of Year III.

The aim of the GE curriculum is to provide students with a well-rounded education as part of the University’s Whole Person ethos. This involves an exposure to a wide range of transferable skills, guiding principles, and attitudes that all students will need for their future professional and personal lives. The 31 units required under the GE requirements are divided into two categories, University Core (13 units) and various GE programmes ranging from level 1 to level 3, including foundational courses, interdisciplinary thematic courses, and GE Capstone (18 units).

“Electives” serve to encourage a free pursuit of academic interests. They may be used to pursue a minor (with a minimum of 15 units), strengthen the major field, or choose other courses of general interest in different disciplines, or which a student considers to be useful for their future careers or postgraduate studies.

Core Course (1 unit)
SOSC 1006Invitation to Social Sciences1 unit


Experiential Learning in Action (3 units)
SOSC 3005Community and Civic Engagement3 units
SOSC 3006Global Outreach3 units

GEOG 1005Geography & the Contemporary World3 units
GEOG 2005Cultures, Peoples & Landscapes3 units
GEOG 2006Earth Systems: Shaping Landscapes3 units
GEOG 2007Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Geography3 units
GEOG 2015Maps and Map Making3 units
GEOG 2016Earth Systems: Atmosphere & Biosphere3 units
GEOG 2017Globalization of Economic Activities3 units
GEOG 3005Field Camp0 unit
GEOG 3006Regional Geography of China3 units
GEOG 4898-9Honours Project6 units

At least one course from each of the following four areas:

A) Geoanalytics and Research Practice
GEOG 3036Writing Spatial Stories through Qualitative Research3 units
GEOG 4006Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography3 units
GEOG 4017Geographical Information Systems3 units
GEOG 4025Geographical Imaginations3 units
GEOG 4046Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation3 units


B) Physical Systems and Environmental Dynamics
GEOG 3015Geography of Health & the Environment3 units
GEOG 3017Global Environmental Issues and Sustainability3 units
GEOG 4005Advanced Climatology3 units
GEOG 4015Coastal Environments & Processes3 units
GEOG 4027Geography of Environmental Hazards3 units
GEOG 4057*Selected Topics in the Geography of China (Physical & Environmental Geography)3 units
GEOG 4066Seminar in Environmental Planning & Management3 units
GEOG 4096Biogeography3 units
GEOG 4097Ecosystems and Processes3 units


C) Urban Studies, Cities and Everyday Life
GEOG 3025Population Geography3 units
GEOG 3027Urban Geography3 units
GEOG 4035Geography of Transportation3 units
GEOG 4056*Selected Topics in the Geography of China (Human Geography)3 units
GEOG 4076Urban Cultural Landscape3 units
GEOG 4085*Urban Development in China3 units
GEOG 4086Urban and Environmental Planning3 units


D) Regions, Development and Resource Management
GEOG 2025The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: A Geographical Survey3 units
GEOG 3007Energy Problems & the Environment3 units
GEOG 3016Geography of Pacific Area: Regional Development and Geopolitics3 units
GEOG 3037Environmental Health and Policy3 units
GEOG 4016*Sustainable Energy & Technological Innovation in China3 units
GEOG 4026Geography of Economic Development3 units
GEOG 4036Political Geography3 units
GEOG 4047*Resource & Environmental Management in China3 units
GEOG 4055*Rural & Agricultural Development in China3 units
GEOG 4065Energy Policy & Analysis3 units
GEOG 4087Natural Resource Evaluation & Policy Approaches3 units

* Geography major students can choose up to two of these China Studies courses. The contents of GEOG 4056/GEOG 4057 Selected Topics in the Geography of China vary from year to year. Whether this course is considered a “human” or “physical and environmental” geography course depends on the exact contents of the course at the time it is offered.

Students are required to fulfil their respective programme requirements listed in the University Student Handbook at the admission year. For details, please visit: http://ar.hkbu.edu.hk/curr/calendar_bulletin/.