Prize-giving Ceremony for Paul CK Wong Memorial Fund cum Donor Appreciation Reception successfully held on 6 December 2024

6 Dec 2024

The Prize-giving Ceremony cum Donor Appreciation Reception for the Paul CK Wong Memorial Fund 2023-24 was successfully held on 6 December 2024. We were honoured to have the generous and esteemed donors of the Memorial Fund, Mr. Sam Wong, Mr. Leo Wong, and Mr. Freeman Wong, in attendance at the ceremony. The Department Chair, Dr. LO Tek Sheng, Kevin extended a warm welcome and appreciation for the unwavering support from the Donors and their family over the years. The ceremony concluded with a thank-you speech delivered by the awardees. With the support of the Memorial Fund, the awardees, despite their challenges, could further pursue their academic and professional aspirations, and seize more learning opportunities.

In AY2023-2024, the awards have been given to three recipients.

  1. Mr. Chan Yat Ho, Eaho, a Year 2 student from the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons.) in Geography
  2. Miss Cheung Wai, a Year 3 student from the Bachelor of Social Work (Hons.)
  3. Miss Wu Sze Wai, a Year 2 student from the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons.) in Geography.

(Names are listed in alphabetical order)

About the Paul CK Wong Memorial Fund

It aims to support full-time geography undergraduate students with physical disability, special educational needs and outstanding academic performance. An award of HK$5,000 will be given to each recipient every academic year. If there are no eligible geography candidates, other undergraduate(s) within the Faculty with physical disability and excellent academic performance will be considered. In the absence of candidates with any physical disability, other outstanding geography undergraduate(s) with remarkable academic attainment and experience in community service will also be considered to receive this fund