Prof. Wang Donggen (王冬根教授)
Chair Professor
Director of the Centre for China Urban
and Regional Studies
Transport and time geography
- Ph.D., Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- M.A., Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- M.Sc. and B.Sc., Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (now Wuhan University), China.
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Geography
- Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography
- Geography of Transportation
- Co-Editor-in-Chief: Travel Behavior and Society (2013 –);
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Transport Geography (2013 –); Transport Reviews (2021-); Transportmetrica A (2005 –); Annals of Association of American Geographers (2014 –2017)
- Chairman, Hong Kong Geographical Association (2009 — 2013);
- Fellow, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (2013 –)
- Activity-travel behavior
- Transport and time geography
- Activity-based socio-spatial segregation
- Geography of wellbeing
- Housing choice and residential satisfaction
GRF (HKBU 12609621), “Urban expansion and travel behavior evolution in Shenzhen: the role of travel time budget”. Funded by the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee. Starting Year: 09/2021;
NSFC grant: (National Science Foundation China: 41971210): “TOD視角的粵港澳大灣區城市空間結構與居民出行行為的研究” (A TOD perspective on the urban spatial structure and travel behavior in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area). Funded by National Science Foundation of China. Starting Year: 01/2020.
Zhou, M., Wang, D. and Guan, X. (2022) "Co-evolution of the built environment and travel behaviour in Shenzhen, China". Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Vol. 107, June 2022, 103291.
Wang, D., Li, L. (2022) "Disparities in spatio-temporal accessibility to fresh foods in Shanghai, China". Applied Geography Vol. 145, August 2022, 102752.
Yao, M. and Wang, D. (2021) “Modeling residential relocation choices: an egalitarian bargaining approach and a comparative study”. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 14 (1), 625-645.
Wang, Y., Mao, Z., and Wang, D. (2021) “Housing affordability and mental health in urban China: a cross-sectional study”. Housing Studies. pp: 1-21 (published online)
Guan, X. and Wang, D. (2020) “The impacts of the built environment on travel behavior: Considering the multiplicity of travel-based self-selection”. Journal of Transport Geography, 87, 102809
Wang, F., Mao, Z., and Wang, D. (2020). “Residential relocation and travel satisfaction change: An empirical study in Beijing, China”. Transportation Research Part A, 135: 341-353.
Yao, M., Wang, D. and Yang, H. (2020). “Modeling household housing and car ownership decisions: a group decision-based time allocation approach”. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science,16(3): 409-438.
Mao, Z. & Wang, D. (2020). “Residential relocation and life satisfaction change: Is there a difference between household couples?” Cities. 97: 102565.
Guan, X., Wang, D., & X. J. Cao (2019). “The role of residential self-selection in land use-travel research: a review of recent findings”. Transport Reviews. 1-21
Guan, X. & Wang, D. (2019). “Influences of the built environment on travel: A household-based perspective”. Transportation Research Part A. 130: 710-724.
Wang, F. & Wang, D. (2019). “Changes in residential satisfaction after home relocation: a longitudinal study in Beijing, China”. Urban Studies. (in press).
Wang, D., Schwanen, T., & Mao, Z. (2019). “Does exposure to richer and poorer neighborhoods influence wellbeing?”. 95: 102408.
Chen, B.Y., Wang, Y., Wang, D., & Lam, W.H.K. (2019). “Understanding travel time uncertainty impacts on the equity of individual accessibility”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 75:156-169.
Zhou, M., & Wang, D. (2019). “Generational differences in attitudes towards car, car ownership and car use in Beijing”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 72: 261-278.
Guan, X. & Wang, D. (2019). “Residential self-selection in the built environment-travel behavior connection: Whose self-selection?” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 67: 16-32.
Wang, D. and Lin, T. (2019). “Built environment, travel behavior, and residential self-selection: a study based on panel data from Beijing, China”. Transportation. 46(1): 51-74.
Wang, Y., Chen, B.Y., Yuan, H., Wang, D., Lam, W.H.K., & Li, Q. (2018). “Measuring temporal variation of location-based accessibility using space-time utility perspective”. Journal of Transport Geography. 73:13-24.
Yao, M. & Wang, D. (2018). “Mobility and travel behavior in urban China: The role of institutional factors”. Transport Policy. 69:122-131.
Lin, T., Wang, D., & Zhou, M. (2018). “Residential relocation and changes in travel behavior: what is the role of social context change?” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 111: 360-374.
Chen, B. Y., Wang, Y., Wang, D., Li, Q., Lam, W. H., & Shaw, S. L. (2018). “Understanding the impacts of human mobility on accessibility using massive mobile phone tracking data”. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(4): 1115-1133.
Leung, K.M., Chung, P.K., Wang, D., Liu, J.D. (2018). “Impact of physical and social environments on the walking behaviour of Hong Kong's older adults”. Journal of Transport & Health. 9: 299-308.
Zhou, M., & Wang, D. (2018). “Investigating inter-generational changes in activity-travel behavior: a disaggregate approach”. Transportation, 1-45.
Leung, K. M., Chung, P. K., Yuen, T. L., Liu, J. D., & Wang, D. (2018). “Psychometric Properties of the Modified Social Environment Questionnaire (SEQ-C) in Chinese Older Adults”. Journal of aging and physical activity. 2(4): 530-536.
Lin, T., Wang, D., and Guan, X. (2017), “The built environment, travel attitude, and travel behavior: Residential self-selection or residential determination?” Journal of Transport Geography. 65: 111-122.
Yao, M., Wang, D. and Yang, H. (2017). “A game-theoretic model of car ownership and household time allocation”. Transportation Research Part B. 104: 667-685.
Wang, D. and Cao, J. (2017). “Impacts of the built environment on activity-travel behavior: are there differences between public and private housing residents in Hong Kong?” Transportation Research Part A. 103: 25-35.
Wang, D. and Zhou, M. (2017). “The built environment and travel behavior in urban China: a literature review”. Transportation Research Part D. 52: 574-585.
Zhou, M., Wang, D., Li, Q., Yue, Y., Tu, W., and Cao, R. (2017). “Impacts of weather on public transport ridership: Results from mining data from different sources”. Transportation Research Part C. 75: 17-29.
Ding, C., Wang, D., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J. (2017). “Exploring the influence of built environment on travel mode choice considering the mediating effects of car ownership and travel distance”. Transportation Research Part A. 100: 65-80.
Chen, B., Yuan, H., Li, Q., Wang, D., Shaw, S.L., Chen, H.P., and Lam, W.H.K. (2017). “Measuring place-based accessibility under travel time uncertainty”. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 31(4): 783-804.
Li, F. and Wang, D. (2017). “Measuring urban segregation based on individuals’ daily activity patterns: A multidimensional approach”. Environment and Planning A. 49(2): 467–486.